08. Parameters and options (ls -l)

Use parameters and options in your commands

Some commands have parameters or options to help you get more information or change the default behavior of those commands.

Use the workspace below the video to practice the commands and remember to practice locally in your computer too.

Ud206 008 Shell P5 - Parameters

## Workspace

You can use this workspace to test your commands


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.

Research ls -l

Which pieces of information can you find out from ls -l? You may want to do some research to answer this question; use your favorite search engine.

  • The name of each listed file or directory.
  • The date and time that a file was last modified.
  • The size of a file, in bytes.

Looking for bear

If you wanted to list all the files whose names start with the word bear, how would you do it?

SOLUTION: `ls bear*`


The Shell commands can be installed or not on your computer if you are using Linux or Mac and you have issues running the commands check the documentation specifically for the Operating System.